• 4 results found
Affiliated researcher
LaboratoryInstitut de Neurosciences de la Timone
TeamNeOpTo - NEuronal OPerations in visual TOpographic maps - http://www.int.univ-amu.fr/NeOpTo
ThèmeComputational neuroscience
LanguageFR or EN
M1 or M2
Affiliated researcher
LaboratoryInstitut de la Vision
TeamComputational neuroscience of sensory systems
ThèmePerception multisensorielle
M1 or M2
Affiliated researcher
LaboratoryInstitut de Neurosciences de la Timone
TeamNeOpTo - NEuronal OPerations in visual TOpographic maps - http://www.int.univ-amu.fr/NeOpTo
Duration6 (M2), flexible (M1)
LanguageEnglish, Français
M1 or M2
Affiliated researcher
LaboratoryIntegrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center
TeamLanguage & cognition
ThèmeMathematical Cognition
Durationto be determined with the applicant
LanguageFor testing children: french; For labmeetings: english; For the rest: english or french ad libitum