M1 ou M2

Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique


Bâtiment Jaurès
29 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris, FRANCE

Développement cognitif et pathologie
Langage et communication
Durée du stage
minimum 3 mois

Many important questions in education require analysing large and complex datasets including measures of environmental factors, cognitive skills, and educational achievement. We have access to several such datasets: The Eden cohort (N=400 to 1400), the DEPP 2007 panel (N=35 000), the DEPP 2011 panel, as well as more recent data from the national evaluations in 1st and 2nd grade (N=800 000). Other international datasets may also be available (e.g., IMAGEN, ABCD, Millenium cohort…).

Projects may bear on the following questions, among others:

  • What are the early predictors of reading and math ability? to what extent are they mediated by early cognitive skills? to what extent do they differ between boys and girls?
  • What are the early 1st grade predictors of subsequent reading acquisition?
  • What are the characteristics of schools and teachers that produce superior achievement?
  • Bring your own question!

Student profile: data science, statistics, econometrics, AI. Any other profile, but with strong analytical skills.