• 6 results found
Affiliated researcher
LaboratoryInstitut de Neurosciences de la Timone
TeamNeOpTo - NEuronal OPerations in visual TOpographic maps - http://www.int.univ-amu.fr/NeOpTo
ThèmeComputational neuroscience
LanguageFR or EN
M1 or M2
Affiliated researcher
LaboratoryINSERM U1208 Lyon
TeamNeurobiology executive functions
ThèmeMotivation, learning and decision making in brain and behaviour
LanguageEnglish or French
M1 or M2
Affiliated researcher
LaboratoryInstitut de Neurosciences de la Timone
TeamNeOpTo - NEuronal OPerations in visual TOpographic maps - http://www.int.univ-amu.fr/NeOpTo
Duration6 (M2), flexible (M1)
LanguageEnglish, Français
M1 or M2
Affiliated researcher
LaboratoryInstitut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique
TeamPerception, Interaction et Robotique Sociales.
ThèmeSense of agency
Duration6-12 months (flexible)
LanguageFrench or English
M1 or M2
- Internship
Affiliated researcher
LaboratoryInstitut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique
TeamPerception, Interaction et Robotique Sociales.
ThèmeSpatial and social cognition
Duration6-12 months (flexible)
LanguageFrench or English
M1 or M2
Affiliated researcher
LaboratoryInstitut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique
TeamPerception, Interaction et Robotique Sociales.
ThèmePerception multisensorielle
Duration6-12 months (flexible)
LanguageFrench or English