Despite a number of studies, it remains unclear whether male and female human newborns manifest different visual preferences or perceptual abilities. The goal of this project is to determine with greater confidence whether this is the case or not. In particular, we are interested in finding out whether male and female newborns show different spontaneous preferences for human faces vs. inanimate objects, as suggested by various studies, old and new (e.g., Lewis et al. 1966; Connellan et al. 2000).
Title: Hyperscanning: Shedding light on collaboration and social cognition in middle childhood
Type: L3, M1 or M2 Internship Information
Address: Inria Paris, 2 rue Simone Iff, 75012 Paris
Theme: Embodied Conversational Agents and Social Cognition
Length of internship: To be determined with applicant
Rémunération: GR (= Gratification Réglementaire)
Language: English and French
The replication crisis affects dyslexia research as much as any other field. This is facilitated by questionable research practices such as p-hacking, HARKING, as well as publication bias. The goal of this project is to quantify the extent of this problem, by meta-analysing one section of dyslexia research, using a method called p-curve or z-curve analysis.
Dans le but de tester des hypothèses précises sur les mécanismes d’apprentissage et sur les causes de troubles cognitifs, il est de plus en plus utile de disposer de modèles computationnels des fonctions cognitives concernées.
Les candidat(e)s au Cogmaster sont fortement encouragé(e)s à postuler également pour devenir Normalien(ne), un statut prestigieux dans le système universitaire français.
Le statut de Normalien(ne) permet d'obtenir un double diplôme (le Master en sciences cognitives + le diplôme de l'École Normale Supérieure), avec relativement peu d'exigences supplémentaires.
De plus, il permet de bénéficier d'un certain nombre d'avantages très importants :