M1 ou M2

Laboratoire Mémoire Cerveau et Cognition


71, Avenue Edouard Vaillant 92774, Boulogne, Billancourt, France

False memory
Durée du stage
6 months
French or English
The effect of warning on the production of false memories in cognitive aging A large number of studies has pointed out that older adults exhibit enhanced susceptibility to a wide range of memory errors and source misattributions. Encoding and retrieval processes likely make different relative contributions to the increased false memories observed with aging. Due to the persistent and robust nature of false memories, as well as the increase of their incidence with age, there have been many attempts to explore strategies to reduce their occurrence within a laboratory setting. In this context, warnings typically involve providing information to participants about semantic false memories that can occur when studying lists of related words, and participants are told to avoid making these types of memory errors. The aim of the internship is to investigate the effect of warning at encoding and retrieval phases on the production of different types of false memories such as intrusions and false recognitions in young and older adults. Depending on the intern’s background and interests, this question can be addressed with a classical behavioral experimental paradigm and/or ecological paradigm built in virtual reality or a novel electrophysiological paradigm to realize an event-related potential study.